Be UnFkwithable (Part 1)

Erinn Rist
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I follow @systemsunday on Twitter and Instagram, and  recently Ben Meer posted about how to be unf**kwithable in 2023. I was immediately intrigued.

Ben goes into further detail about how you can set up your life in 2023 to be unf**kwithable. He proceeds to share this quote from the book "The Code of the Extraordinary Mind" by Vishen Lakhiani:

"When you are truly at peace and in touch with yourself. Nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity can touch you" 

Ben expands upon this concept with talking about the importance of the end goals to become unf**kwithable. The priority is that an end goal needs to be self fueled and not based in seeking external validation. Your end goals are internally controllable at all times, and no one has the ability to take it from you. 
Determining your end goals achieved by asking a well thought out questions. These are goals should speak to your heart, bring you true happiness, and that fuel your passions. Too often we are programmed to set goals that society has programmed us to seek rather than sitting with ourselves and asking "what a life worth living look like to me?"

All end goals should lead to happiness according to Lakhiani, so Ben talks about setting intentions every single day to accomplish this idea. In the morning spend a few minutes writing down the following statements:

1. I will always be surrounded by love
2. I will have beautiful life experiences
3. I will always be learning and growing

At the end of the day you go back to those statements and fill in how you accomplished each one for that day. 

1. Love can look like self love (exercise, sleep, hydration, avoiding toxic people) or love you have received from others or have given to others.

2. Beautiful life experiences can be appreciating beauty in nature, visiting a museum or art festival, listening to amazing music, travel, spending time with people that matter to you, the list goes on. But remembering that money isn't required to enjoy beautiful life experiences. 

3. Learning and growth is a daily exercise within your control. You can read for 30 minutes, listen to a podcast, see mistakes as learning opportunities, or pretend the people you encounter during your day was sent to teach you something. 

By returning to our morning intentions in the evening we reinforce the mindset to view our lives in a way that we become unf**ckwithable.

Here's to 2023!
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