Own The If Academy

Fortitude for life 


You can't change your thinking

with more thinking

Write your awesome label here.


The Missing Pieces

Each of us has a unique set of keys to unlock our full potential. Our life experiences form a complex puzzle of unconscious and conscious learned behaviors and beliefs.  If left unchecked we can develop conditioned patterns that aren't in our best interest.

Success is also unique to each person.  Our curated process looks  closely at your past, present and future to uncover your specific keys to success.  We then blend cutting edge neuroscience, quantitative analysis and behavioral models to develop personalized tactics and lasting intrinsic motivation.

Change is hard when done incorrectly.  Let us show you how to leverage the power of compounding by using small daily changes over time create massive impact on your life.  

Dare to be the best you can be for yourself and your family.

The first step is the most difficult. 

Let us help you take it.

Get leverage with neuroscience 

Take action for the life of your dreams

1. Identify

Have a clear idea of where you want to be both in the near and distant future. Our process helps you deep dive on your motivations and goals.

2. Outline areas of opportunity

After identifying your goals, we work to highlight what is preventing you from achieving them.  We then develop daily micro objectives that are easy to achieve but create massive progress toward your goals when compounded.

3. Review and adapt 

Life is dynamic.  We focus on the process by developing new skills that you can adapt as your situation changes.  Consistency, not perfection, is the key to meaningful change.  
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